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A List of Awesome Resources For Learning GatsbyJS

A List of Awesome Resources For Learning GatsbyJS

If you're new to Gatsby, an awesome platform that allows you to build modern slick PWAs, check out the following list of awesome resources that will help you to find relevant information and get up and running quickly.


Official Gatsby Website
Official Gatsby Website

What I really like about using Gatsby is that it has perfect documentation. This is usually the first place where I go when I need to do something I’ve never done before. It is written in a clear and understandable manner and has strategically placed links to all related articles.

When visiting for the first time it makes sense to start with the excellent tutorials section, then move on to the documentation, and then check out API docs.

#2 Blog LekoArts

The blog of the core Gatsby contributor LekoArts
LekoArts blog

LekoArts blog has a lot of great actionable blog posts and tutorials that you can implement on your Gatsby site right away. Moreover, the blog itself is built with Gatsby and can be viewed on GitHub for learning purposes.

#3 Learn With Jason

Awesome internet show where random people teach a guy with the beard how to do things.
Learn With Jason

Learn With Jason is an awesome internet show where random people teach a guy with the beard how to code things🎓😀.

Speaking seriously, Jason’s show has a number of great series where he pair-programs with someone from the community or tries to tackle some interesting problem with Gatsby, live on air. Totally recommend checking out this series if you’re more of a visual learner and prefer watching videos instead of reading the docs.

#4 Chris Biscardi’s Blog

A blog where you can find a lot of valuable Gatsby content
Chris's Blog

Chris writes a lot about MDX, Gatsby themes, CI/CD automation, and other very interesting topics. He’s been on fire lately writing a blog post almost every day. He also regularly streams on Twitch, so if you want to as him a question, look up his schedule and join in.

#5 Gatsby YouTube Channel

A lot of Gatsby videos
Gatsby YouTube Channel

Here you’ll find a lot of useful talks from conferences, webinars, and meetups. In-depth concepts explanations, how-to guides, overall product course, you’ll find all this information available for free.

#6 Gatsby Discord

Gatsby Discordl
Gatsby Discord

Sometimes, when I feel stuck and no amount of Googling can remedy the situation I ask for help in the Gatsby discord chat. Someone from the community will always look at your question and eventually you’ll figure out the solution. That’s why I love working with Gatsby, you never feel alone.

#7 Gatsby Spectrum Community

Gatsby Spectrum Community
Gatsby Spectrum Community

Spectrum is a new platform for building online communities. You can join Gatsby community on Spectrum and learn with others. It has several different channels where you can post relevant questions.

#8 Egghead Gatsby Courses

Gatsby Courses on Egghead
Gatsby Courses on Egghead has a ton of Gatsby lessons and tutorials. How to build a theme, work with gatsby-image, deploy your site to Netlify - you can pretty much find anything here. You’ll need a subscription to access courses and lessons, track your progress and view code.

#9 The Great Gatsby Bootcamp

Andrew Mead Gatsby Course
Andrew Mead Gatsby Course

This is pretty much the first video that popped up for me when I searched Gatsby on YouTube, and for a good reason. This introductory course gives you an overall idea of what Gatsby is and how you can create a markdown blog with it.

It covers things like how to approach styling, working with markdown files, and finally, how to deploy your site to Netlify.

Totally recommend this course for beginners.

#10 Gatsby Pinterest Board

Gatsby Pinterest Board
Gatsby Pinterest Board

Here you’ll find a collection of various articles that the community creates. There’s not a whole lot of content at the moment, but the board will be updated with new materials every week, so, if you have a Pinterest account, feel free to follow this board.

#11 Gatsby Tutorials

Gatsby Tutorials
Gatsby Tutorials community

Not sure how I missed this site, but it’s really awesome. Tons of great tutorials and in-depth guides on all things Gatsby. It has a set of filters where you can select only video content, text or even audio. Very nice and well-designed resource.

#12 AskGatsbyJS Twitter

Gatsby learning Twitter
Official learning team Twitter account

This Twitter account was created quite recently. If you’re building something with Gatsby and have a question, ask it here, the people from the official learning team will gladly help to solve your problem.

Final Thoughts

Of course, this is by no means a full list of resources, only those that I’ve managed to find. So, I decided to share this for someone new, who is only discovering this awesome platform. If you know some other resource that is worth checking out - send it to me and I’ll gladly add it to the list.


About The Author


Written by Owlypixel, who likes to blend web development and design into creative art with the goal to make it simple and accessible for others. You mayfollow him on Twitter.

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